Colonials, Expatriates, Radicals, Moderns and Postmoderns: Essays in Australian Literature


Book Information

Release date 07-2024
Format Paperback
Pages 310
ISBN 9781923068766
ISBN10 1923068768
Width (mm) 152
Length (mm) 229

SKU: 913 Categories: ,


The Poetry of Adam Lindsay Gordon
Adam Lindsay Gordon in England: The Legend of the Steeplechase
The Relics of Adam Lindsay Gordon
Adam Lindsay Gordon and Father Julian Tenison Woods
Marcus Clarke
Henry Kendall’s Recovery at Brisbane Water
John Farrell
Henry Lawson – Ethnic Writer
William Lane, The Workingman’s Paradise
William Lane and the Worker Book Fund: ‘Progressive Books at Cost’
Eleanor Dark, Prelude to Christopher
Jack Lindsay, Life Rarely Tells, The Blood Vote
Christina Stead’s Australian Novels
Christina Stead, Cotters’ England, The Puzzleheaded Girl, Ocean of Story, I’m Dying Laughing
The Modern Australian Short Story
Dal Stivens. Hal Porter. Morris Lurie.
A. B. Facey, A Fortunate Life
Australian Magazines Surviving the Nineteenth Century
The Australian New Writing of the 1960s and 1970s: A Survey
Small Presses and Little Magazines in the 1970s
Living in the Inner City: Frank Moorhouse, Futility and Other Animals
‘My Name is Rickeybockey’: The Poetry of Robert Adamson and the Spirit of Henry Kendall
Vicki Viidikas, Wrappings, New and Rediscovered
Peter Corris, Torn Apart, The Colonial Queen, That Empty Feeling, Win, Lose or Draw

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Author information

Michael Wilding

‘A career that is remarkable for how prolific and innovative it has been in so many areas, whether Wilding was working as a short story writer, novelist, critic, editor, commentator, anthologist, or publisher. Few Australian writers have successfully ventured so much and for so long. Moreover, a surprising coherence exists among this variety. Wilding’s work is driven by his political radicalism, which seems as much to do with a probing, sometimes acrid, intelligence, as sentiment.’ – Peter Pierce, Dictionary of Literary Biography

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