Selected Poems


Book Information

Release date 2013-10-24
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925003291

SKU: 321 Categories: ,


These Selected Poems are representative of a lifetime crafting and coaxing words into poems. They capture the optimism and humour associated with young adulthood, the poignant truths and observations that become apparent in maturity and reflect on the transitoriness of existence.

A ‘ … distinctive, confident voice’ — James Charlton, Poetry Editor, Island

‘Lyricism, of your sort, is a very rare thing in Australia’ — Edward Kynaston, Literary Editor, Nation Review  

‘We were all very impressed’ — Jonathan Strahan, Editor, Eidolon

Gadd grew up in Armidale, New South Wales. After graduating from the National Institute of Dramatic Art, he worked extensively in professional theatre in Australia and the United Kingdom before concentrating on his writing, which includes plays, the publication of novels and short stories as well as poetry. He has also written dialogue for a dance performed by The Sydney Dance Company at the Opera House and he collaborated on one of the first livre d’ artistes to be produced in the United Kingdom since William Morris, a work that is now in rare book collections. He later earned Master of Arts with Honours and PhD degrees from the University of New England and is a Writing Fellow of the Fellowship of Australian Writers (NSW).