In So Many Words: Interviews with Writers, Scholars and Intellectuals


Book Information

Release date 2013-09-24
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925003062

SKU: 315 Categories: , ,


In So Many Words features interviews with eleven of the most influential intellectuals, scholars and writers in the United States. Atherton engages with her subjects, and responds to arguments that the public intellectual is endangered, dead or in decline. 

Noam Chomsky  Camille Paglia  Todd Gitlin  Harold Bloom  Howard Zinn  Stephen Greenblatt  
Paul Kane  Jim Cullen  Dana Gioia  Kenneth T. Jackson

‘What is it that public intellectuals do for us? Many things. In these vibrant interviews, Cassandra Atherton brings a range of stirring voices before us.’ — Chris Wallace-Crabbe

Cassandra Atherton is an award-winning writer and critic. She has published a novel, The Man Jar (Printed Matter Press: Tokyo and New York, 2010); a book of prose poetry, After Lolita (Ahadada Press, Toronto and Tokyo, 2010) and a book of literary criticism, Flashing Eyes andFloating Hair: A Reading of Gwen Harwood’s Pseudonymous Poetry (Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, 2007).  She is one of Australia’s leading experts on American public intellectuals in academe.