

Jim Gumm is an ex-infantryman and ex-con, a devoted leading-manservant whos never had his own way or love until Eliza Batman, the wife of his brutal and land-obsessed boss.

Book Information

Release date 03-2018
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925588859
ISBN10 1925588858

SKU: 574 Categories: ,


Jim Gumm is an ex-infantryman and ex-con, a devoted leading-manservant who’s never had his own way or love until Eliza Batman, the wife of his brutal and land-obsessed boss. An infamous treaty brings Jim to the shores of Port Phillip where a wildman walks into camp. As the unknown wildman struggles with the loss of his daughter and wife, he becomes Buckley again for settlers who consider him a godsend for their treaty. To Jim, how Buckley has lived a free lifetime with the blacks is a tempting mystery.

William Buckley was Victoria’s first conciliator and long-term European resident; Jim Gumm was one of Melbourne’s first residents.



Author information

Paul Cougle


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