Roy Rene – Mo: A Legend Revisited


Book Information

Release date 03-2024
Format Paperback
Pages 151
ISBN 9781923068483
ISBN10 1923068482
Width (mm) 152
Length (mm) 229

SKU: 903 Categories: , , , , ,


Roy Rene, best known as his grease-paint bearded character ‘Mo’, remains one of Australia’s greatest theatrical legends. Born in 1891 at the start of vaudeville’s golden era, he began his career as a boy soprano, when his voice broke he ventured into comedy and there found his true calling. Joining forces with Nat Phillips in 1915, the pair became national stars when ‘Stiffy and Mo’ were unleashed to the delight of audiences around the country. The legend had just begun.

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Author information

Jon Fabian

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