Trust & Betrayal: Morality and the Emotions in Surgery


David Macintosh is a former surgeon and an ethicist who writes with candour, insight and eloquence about empathy, practical wisdom, rationality and human frailty, factors that bear profoundly upon our understanding of trust. He sees trust as a burden a doctor must accept for all patients. It imposes an obligation that goes to the core of a doctors character.

Book Information

Release date 2016-05-12
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925333589
ISBN10 1925333582

SKU: 446 Category:


‘It was always very difficult for me to tell someone they were dying.  No course or lecture about how to approach it or what words to use seemed to help.  I eventually worked out that the actual words I used did not seem to matter . . .’

David Macintosh is a former surgeon and an ethicist who writes with candour, insight and eloquence about empathy, practical wisdom, rationality and human frailty, factors that bear profoundly upon our understanding of trust.  He sees trust as a burden a doctor must accept for all patients.  It imposes an obligation that goes to the core of a doctor’s character.

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Author information

David Macintosh


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