Soviet Fairytales


In the ‘Workers Paradise’ of the Soviet Union what was life like for those on the periphery of the Russian empire? In these short stories, Grazina Pranauskas offers the reader piercing vignettes of everyday existence in Lithuania under a totalitarian regime…

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Book Information

Release date 09-2019
Format paperback
ISBN 9781925801972
ISBN10 1925801977

SKU: 690 Category:


What exactly was life like in the ‘Workers Paradise’ of the Soviet Union for those on the periphery of the Russian empire? In this exciting collection of short stories, Grazina Pranauskas gives an insider’s perspective – with piercing vignettes of life in Lithuania during the Soviet period. She deals with the reality of life under a totalitarian regime by taking us inside the lives of ‘ordinary’ Lithuanians dealing with everyday challenges: getting up in the morning, putting food on the table, keeping the bosses on side, coping with rejection, discovering love and sex, searching for some transcendent meaning in life. The themes are universal – but here are an immediacy and authenticity that can only come through sharing the stories of real individuals. Gifted historian, novelist and musician, Dr Pranauskas has further cemented her reputation as a commentator on life in Lithuania during the Soviet era with this ground-breaking collection of stories you just can’t put down.

Prof Ron Adams, Professorial Research Fellow at Victoria University and Adjunct Professor at Edith Cowan University

Ebook available
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