Footprints in the Sand: Gold Coast Sikhs 1980–2020


Book Information

Release date 12-2020
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781922454188
ISBN10 1922454184

SKU: 757 Categories: ,


The Sikh community is a vibrant and significant presence on the Gold ­Coast, growing considerably over the past four decades. By examining the community and its history, this book acts as a reference for future generations of Sikh Australians and a guide for anyone with an interest in Australian Sikhism.

Chamkaur Singh Gill delivers an overview of Sikhism for newcomers, outlining the principles, customs and culture of the religion. He chronicles the presence of Sikh migrants in Queensland and other Australian states dating back to the 1800s – from pioneering self-made business owners to singular local personalities.

Sikh Australian footprints also details the achievements and positive contributions of contemporary Gold Coast Sikhs since 1980, providing a historical cross-section of a thriving and accomplished migrant community.

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