Come in Spinner: A History of Two-Up and Its Language


Book Information

Release date 04-2022
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781922669421
ISBN10 1922669423

SKU: 817 Categories: , , , , , , ,


The game of two-up has found its place at the heart of Australia’s cultural history – and the ANZAC legend.

Bruce Moore describes how the Australian concept of the ‘fair go’ had its origins in two-up, and how working-class tenacity saved the game from the efforts of authorities and wowsers to wipe it out. He explains that ‘come in spinner’ is just one of the more than 140 Australian words and phrases that originated in the gambling game, and he provides new evidence that aspects of the game and its terminology have their origins in Ireland.

This is your chance to learn about ‘alley loafers’, ‘baldies’, ‘bastards on bikes’, ‘boxers’, ‘butterflies’, ‘cockatoos’, ‘floaters’, ‘grouter bettors’, ‘headies’, ‘kips’, ‘nit-keepers’, ‘nobs’, ‘ringmasters’, and ‘two-uppians’!


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Weight 1 kg

Author information

Bruce Moore


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