Arts Of Publication


Book Information

Release date 2008-09-01
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781740971355
ISBN10 1740971353
Authors:, ,

SKU: 60 Categories: ,


Publishing is essential for PhD graduates, early career researchers and established academics. This volume provides relevant up-to-date and useful advice on how to publish in Australia and overseas.
If you want to get published this guide is required reading, encapsulating practical suggestions with an understanding of the history, current realities and future possibilities of publishing.
Packed with practical tips, it comments on examples of journal submission, book proposals and editing, and offers strategies for converting your thesis into a book and overcoming rejection. A guide to the history of Australian publishing – a sector that has undergone significant changes in the past decade – helps authors understand current opportunities for publication. All options are discussed, including online and electronic publishing.

Author information

Amanda Crawford

James Connor

Lucy Neave


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