Unlocking the History of the Australasian Kuo Min Tang 1911-2013


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Book Information

Release date 2013-12-02
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925003260
ISBN10 1925003264

SKU: 332 Categories: , , , ,


Dr Sun Yat-Sen's revolutionary movement in China found support in Australia. In Melbourne in 1910 the Young China League was formed, beginning the history of the Chinese Nationalist Party of Australasia, or the Australasian Kuo Min Tang. Today, there are still active branches of the KMT in Sydney and Melbourne.

This book is the story of an association that began as a local club and became the regional headquarters of a transnational political party. It is based on extensive research and large collections of photographs and documents held in Australian KMT archives. Oral history interviews have supplemented this rich documentary record.

Author information

Judith Brett

Mei-Fen Kuo


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