Australian Local Government and Community Development


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Book Information

Release date 2012-05-29
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781921875540

SKU: 254 Categories: ,


This book focuses on the history and achievements of Australian local governments. Tracing their beginnings from colonial times and highlighting milestones up until the present day, it follows the growth and development of local governments, their interaction with state and federal governments, and their responses and solutions to changes in Australian life. It examines local governments’ relations with Indigenous peoples and migrants, approaches to housing and community development issues, and involvement in local arts and culture. This book also explores the way in which local governments provide the Australian people with a voice, acting as an intermediary between them and the state and federal governments. 

Frank Hornby has worked in the community and cultural development and services area since the early 1970s.

Hornby was initially with the New South Wales State Government Department of Youth and Community Services as a social policy and community services program officer. His role was to support NSW councils in their initiatives with implementing a range of community-based services, including: child and family day care; home help for the aged and people with disabiliities; youth services and facilities; local area community and cultural facilities and programs, and housing for low income households. He was then appointed Community Development Officer and later Director, Community and Cultural Services within the Townsville City Council until he retired in 2006.

Hornby was involved in the appointment of the first Indigenous Community Development Officer in Australian local government, and assisted with the formation of a national association for local government across Australia.



Author information

Frank Hornby


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