Zero’s Whisper


Book Information

Release date 08-2024
Format Paperback
Pages 150
ISBN 9781923068643
ISBN10 1923068644
Width (mm) 127
Length (mm) 203

SKU: 917 Category:


‘Poets and mathematicians have long known the profound links between their two disciplines. In Zero’s Whisper, Tom Petsinis brings poetry and numbers together in new and brilliant ways. Comprised entirely of sonnets (rhymed and unrhymed), Zero’s Whisper finds the spikily real and concrete within the beautiful glyphs and abstractions of maths. Few collections are so filled with wit and metaphorical energy, uncovering the things (epic or everyday) that “only playfulness can apprehend”. Petsinis’s new collection—sometimes comic, sometimes elegiac—brims full of ideas, images, and things; it is a mighty dialogue between zero and infinity.’


—David McCooey, poet and academic

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Author information

Tom Petsinis