Young people leaving state out-of-home care: A research-based study of Australian policy and practice


Book Information

Release date 2011-10-15
Format Ebook
ISBN 9781921875182
Authors:, ,

SKU: 226 Categories: ,


Young people leaving state care are arguably one of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in society. The social and economic costs associated with the current failure to provide adequate leaving care and post-care supports to care leavers are significant both for the individuals involved and the broader community. This book draws from the findings of a number of new research-based Australian studies combined with chapters based on local and international evidence that critically analyse existing leaving care policy and practice.  It adds to our knowledge by providing badly needed information on the relationship between care leaver experiences, support programs and outcomes, and our understanding of ‘what works’ with different groups of care leavers.

E-book only.

Author information

Badal Moslehuddin

Guy Johnson

Philip Mendes


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