The Writing Point


“The Writing Point” is a fourth book of poetry by New Zealand writer, Nicholas Lyon Gresson QSM.

Book Information

Release date 02-2018
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925588774
ISBN10 1925588777

SKU: 563 Category:


The Writing Point is a fourth book of poetry by New Zealand writer, Nicholas Lyon Gresson QSM. It follows A Gathering (2015), Walking With Time (2013), A Life In Poetry (2011). Nick Gresson was born in 1939 in Christchurch, New Zealand, and lives in Auckland with his wife Elizabeth.

Nick’s poetry, a fourth volume, has a luminosity that springs into life from its simplicity of force and power of observation. It reflects time and place – the localities of Melbourne and Auckland – the sharp point of writing becoming for him the point of writing that with the freshness of a Zen koan captures the moment like a still life.

– Dr Michael A. Peters

Professor, Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research, University of Waikato, New Zealand, Emeritus Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

Poetry has become an urgent part of Nicholas Gresson’s life. It appears indivisible from his person. This oblique and finely wrought writing addresses the dimensionality of future, past and present with gratitude, respect and fearlessness.

– Godwin Bradbeer, artist, Melbourne 

The poetry of Nicholas Gresson inevitably provides one with images that are at once, beautiful, delightful and intriguing. His poems are those of a storyteller who writes the kind of verse that in the words of F.R. Leavis, ‘has such life and body that we hardly seem to be reading an arrangement of words… The total effect is as if words as words withdrew themselves from the focus of our attention and we were directly aware of a tissue of feelings and perceptions’. A stunning collection of poems in which Nicholas offers the self-same pleasures experienced in all of his works.

– Dr Geraldine Katz, creative arts educator, Melbourne

Here is my neighbour the poet Nick Gresson at it again – nothing will stop this man! 

– CK Stead, Auckland

Deeply nuanced, evocative, enthralling language and even informative. Nicholas Gresson is a poet who, if we are lucky, we are bound to read more of in the future. His brevity of language is arresting and the meaning is always accessible and clear. We revel in its sheer beauty and power – the best way to share oneself with the world. The poet’s life and challenges experienced have led to an understanding of beauty, love, and of life itself.

– Dr Alan Cumming, Emeritus Professor RMIT University, Melbourne

Nick writes with a mind boundless and unrestricted. No topic too simple or complex. To the poet and the reader, The Writing Point is a journey with life.

– Kendall Rose, Auckland