The Real George Barrington? The Adventures of a Notorious London Pickpocket, Later Head Constable of the Infant Colony of New South Wales


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Book Information

Release date 2005-01-01
Format Paperback
ISBN 187560698

SKU: 188 Category:


George Barrington was one of eighteenth-century Britain’s most notorious criminals — a man of great charm and audacity and an accomplished actor, orator, pickpocket and liar.

In pursuit of the Barrington behind the legend, Sheila Box follows his trail of depredation onto racecourses; into theatres, churches and London’s pleasure gardens and gaols; onto to the dreaded prison hulks on the Thames; and then to Port Jackson.

Barrington was transported in the Third Fleet in 1790, and yet by 1795 he was the Head Constable of the infant colony of New South Wales. Had he reformed, as many believed, or was he once again acting in character, in the performance of a lifetime?

Also by the author: Big Smoke to Cat Country Quartet 1981; A Ghost in the Lavendar: The Mystery of Cuthbert Clarke, Artist of the Goldfields Arcadia 1997.

Author information

Sheila Box


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