Survival in Our Own Land — ‘Aboriginal’ Experiences in ‘South Australia’ since 1836


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Book Information

Release date 2008-09-01
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780340578513

SKU: 42 Categories: , ,


Survival in Our Own Land presents history in South Australia originally and powerfully from the Nunga, the Aboriginal, point of view. In prose and poetry, almost one hundred and fifty Nungas tell how they have been affected by the Goonya invasion and by Goonya law and policy. Nunga stories have rarely been recounted in history books. Many are told here for the first time. Extracts from unpublished archival documents are also included to illustrate Goonya attitudes and actions, which have caused the death of many Nungas and the destruction of much of Nunga culture.

Author information

Christobel Mattingley

Ken Hampton


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