If the moon smiled


As a young woman in Sri Lanka, Manthri marvels at the promise of life and yearns for a future of fulfilled dreams

Book Information

Release date 2017-04-13
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925588231
ISBN10 1925588238

SKU: 513 Category:


I go down to the river, unheeding my mother’s disapproval. I dip into the lazily flowing water. Here, at least, nothing has changed.The bath-cloth balloons around my body and I press it down. I loosen my hair and let it spread where it will. I open my hands upwards on the water’s surface, languidly remembering. All, that is familiar. The promise. The promise of life.

As a young woman in Sri Lanka, Manthri marvels at the promise of life and yearns for a future of fulfilled dreams. Years on, she finds herself in a loveless marriage, in a foreign land, and estranged from her two Australian children. Torn between an idyllic past to which she cannot return and a present that breaks her heart, she never loses touch with those dreams, nor abandons her passionate enchantment with life.

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Author information

Chandani Lokuge


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