Essays 2014: Politics


Book Information

Release date 2014-07-01
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925003628
ISBN10 1925003027
Authors:, , , ,

SKU: 354 Categories: ,


The first volume of a new series of works by Australian scholars.


The ‘Political Plaything of Men’: Tony Abbott and the Enduring Significance of Abortion to the Christian Right
– Kate Gleeson

The Rise of the Robo: Media Polls in a Digital Age
– Murray Goot

Movinets and the Future of Social Movements: How 15M and Occupy Revolutionised Political Protest
– Aleksandra Hadzelek & Rafael Rodríguez Prieto

Australian federalism’s chronic condition
– Greg Melleuish

From Australian Multiculturalism to Cosmopolitanism in Asia: Can Australia educate itself into the Asian century?
– Allan Patience

Securitising Our Shores: The language of asylum in Labor’s Australia
– Raef McDonough & Helen Pringle

The Australian Leviathan: Sovereignty, Sedition and Dissent
– John William Tate