An Appointment with Beethoven: An Appreciation of the Life of Ronald Farren-Price AM


Ronald Farren-Price is the grand old man of the piano in Australia. This book is about his life, work, career and outlook, based on his own reminiscences.

Book Information

Release date 03-2018
Format Hardback
ISBN 9781925588873
ISBN10 1925588874

SKU: 572 Categories: ,


Ronald Farren-Price is the grand old man of the piano in Australia. This book is about his life, work, career and outlook, based on his own reminiscences. As well as pursuing an international career as a recitalist and concerto soloist for more than sixty years, he has taught piano and served as Dean of the Faculty of Music at the University of Melbourne, and as Honorary Professor of the Tianjin Conservatory of Music was a pioneer in bringing Australian performance to China and to South-East Asia. Between these covers we have his early years in Brisbane and Melbourne; his study abroad in the United Kingdom and subsequently in New York with the legendary pianist Claudio Arrau; his international concert tours, notably those to the former USSR; his performing repertoire, and his family life.



Author information

Ian Burk


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