Road kill Cafe: Short stories


Book Information

Release date 04-2024
Format Paperback
Pages 148
ISBN 9781923068803
ISBN10 1923068806
Width (mm) 152
Length (mm) 229

SKU: 911 Categories: , ,


These gripping stories reflect the concerns of many Australians during rapid changes in our idea of Australia. The ‘personal’ is always ‘political’ because many people feel pushed around by events. They are in effect road kill, and in turn some are perpetrators of it. Cathy in ‘The Voice’ is frightened. In ‘Nowhere’, Kevin has little idea of where his home is. Shawn in ‘Down the Mountain’ has idealistic solutions to the environmental crisis, but overarching his life is a crippling sense of powerlessness. Sharon in ‘The Chinese Woman’ is frightened of ‘foreigners’, and in ‘Ralph’ in Kevin wants us to be different. These ‘magic realist’ emotionally candid stories are life affirming.

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Weight 1 kg

Author information

Phillip Edmonds

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