Indonesia, 1947: Australia and the First United Nations Cease-fire Order


The story of Australia’s leading role in the 1947 UN Consular Commission and the monitoring of the first UN cease-fire order with Indonesia

Book Information

Release date 04-2019
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925801668
ISBN10 1925801668

SKU: 662 Categories: , , , ,


Australia’s contribution to Indonesia’s independence struggle is broadly well-known and this book explores an important part of the story: Australia’s leading role in the 1947 UN Consular Commission and the monitoring of the first UN cease-fire order. The commission’s military observers were pioneer peacekeepers, and an examination of the commission’s activities is useful for understanding the Indonesian independence struggle in the following years. Australia’s involvement also played a positive role in long-term Australian–Indonesian relations.

Author information

Steven Farram


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