Catalina De Erauso: The Lieutenant Nun and the Conquest of the New World


Catalina de Erauso, known as the Lieutenant Nun, escaped the nunnery, dressed as a boy and embarked on a journey around The Americas as a soldier, gambler, brawler and duellist.

Book Information

Release date 2015-03-12
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781925003819
ISBN10 1925003817

SKU: 373 Categories: , ,


Catalina de Erauso, known as the Lieutenant Nun, is one of the most colourful figures in the conquest of the Americas.  A novice in a nunnery, she escaped and dressed as a boy.  She then embarked on a chequered career in Peru as soldier, gambler, brawler and duellist.  When discovered, the king rewarded the cross-dresser with a military pension, and the Pope with permission to wear male clothes.  Heidi Zogbaum follows the path of this exceptional woman and the historical circumstances which allowed such capers.

Author information

Heidi Zogbaum

Heidi Zogbaum was born in Germany, lived in Spain for many years and now teaches in the Institute of Latin American Studies at La Trobe University. The study of Herbert Basedow is the result of a three-year collaboration with Prof. Robert Manne on the removal of part-Aboriginal children from their families. 


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